How to be a Cake Transporter

Dummies guide to be a Cake Transporter
-  The Do's and Don't s to prevent a cake aftermath.


Upon collecting your cake, you will have to drive to your destination. Follow these tips if you don't want to murder your cake.

1) Flat Surface

- Always place your cake on a flat surface otherwise it will slide.
- Keep it parallel by placing a block or book on inner side of the seat (Where you put your butt)
- Place on the floor with some newspaper or keep it on your lap if you are not driving.

2) Drive Steadily

- Don't drive like you are racing.
- No sudden break (Keep a good distance from the car in front of you)
- Slow down on bumps and sharp turning.

3) Cold, Cold, Cold *Important 

- Keep your car cold by blasting your air con. (Otherwise cake/caramelized nut will melt. Ex. Baileys Choc Mousse with Caramelized Hazelnut)
- Especially in a hot afternoon, cake will not stay cold for long.

Before Consumption

1) Have a chill pill ,Bro.

- Always keep it chilled in the fridge at all times. The colder the better like beer.
- Home: Keep at least 2 hours in fridge or 1 hour in freezer before consuming.
- Restaurant: Tell them it's an Ice Cream Cake, it will be 1-2 hours when you are ready to sing birthday song.
- It's fine if its slightly frozen, it will buy you some time to sing song and melt the cake with candles.

2) Burn baby, Burn!

- Minimize the amount of candles.
- Do not plant the cake with lots of candle, as it will generate lots of heat which is bad for the cake.
- Always keep less than 10 candles.

Follow these simple steps to fully indulge in your cake.
1. Transport well.
2. Keep it cold.
3. Eat it cold.
4. Do not drink and drive.

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