Coffee Kopi!

Have you ever wonder why Starbucks are so popular? Old Town White Coffee popping out everywhere? Nescafe heavily bombarding advertisement about "Dolce Gusto"?
It's simple, because Coffee makes the World Go Round

Don't you notice after drinking a cup of Coffee, you would feel so much more alive, creative, happy, confident?
I know I do.
So let me share with you some general knowledge about Coffee

Coffee Bean = Coffee Cherry picked -> Fermented -> Roasted -> Packaged

2 Most Common Type of Coffee Bean
1) Arabica
- More Premium
2) Robusta
- Less Premium
Depending on the Blend of Coffee, some Companies mix both together.

Brewed Coffee
- What you get from Starbucks/ higher end place.
- Or you can brew at home yourself

Instant Coffee
- Prepared by Freeze Drying or Spray Drying
- Convenient to use but way lack of flavour

Decaffeinated Coffee
- Prepared by Dissolving in Solvent 7-8 times to remove the caffeine
- Lots of flavor lost in the process
- Contain about 2-.5mg per cup compare to the standard brew of 60-180mg

So what makes a cup of COFFEE good?
1) Professional AKA Cuppers
- W
ould say the aroma because Coffee has the most Complex flavour of all Food
- they judge by tasting just PURE BLACK COFFEE , NO Sugar, NO Milk.
- So it taste Bitter but they judge on the acidity, body, aftertaste, aroma

2) Ordinary Human like me
Would say as long it's sweet and milky to balance the bitterness.
- As long as you don't give me expired or not well kept coffee.
- I believe most Malaysian to do the same thing too!

Coffee Entrepreneur understood this fact, that as long as they can produce
Ok-Ok quality Coffee + Milk + Sugar = SUCCESS!

For example, NESCAFE 3in1 are so Well Known- They Don't Use Milk in their Coffee.
- They use Creamer/ CoffeeMate instead
- But do you know NESCAFE COFFEEMATE/ CREAMER are made out of VEGETABLE FAT/ OIL? *Not only NESCAFE, but I would say all 3in1 Coffee are made out of VEGETABLE FAT.

Before you pour that packet of 3in1 Coffee, take 30s to look for the ingredient list.
- Is there "Creamer" or "Non Dairy Creamer" in it? *Yes it's made out of Vegetable Fat
- Is there "Milk Powder" in it? *No

 So does this apply to White Coffee too?
Is White Coffee really White?
Coming soon!

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