Sausage, Ham & Patties

McDonald's will be giving out free Egg McMuffin on 19/11/2012 Monday to feed oil into your Monday Blues!
Imagine this,
6.30am - Wake up early to get free Egg McMuffin
7.00am - Leave House, Jam to McD
7.30am - Find Parking, Reach McD
7.45am - Wait in Line for 30minutes
8.15am - Your turn to Order

McD: Cashier: I'm sorry Sir, we are out of Egg McMuffin, how about Sausage Egg McMuffin?
You: But I woke up early, Jam all the way here, went 20 rounds to get a parking spot, waited in line for 30minutes !
You: Can't you just remove the Sausage from Egg McMuffin?
McD Cashier: No, we can't sir.

I hope it won't come true but who knows!
If it's true, Here's why McD will try to up sell you their burger patties!

Processed Meat 
- like Sausage, Ham, Burger Patties. Luncheon Meat, Chicken Nugguets
- are made out of Pink Slime/ Meat Fillers *Ever Wonder what it is?
Continue reading and you might not crave for Processed Meat anymore.

1)Pink Slime 
- Originally used as Pet Food, not fit for human consumption
- Mechanically Processed meat by dumping the remaining carcasses of Beef into machine to separate out the Meat and Bones

- Disinfect with Ammonia to kill dangerous Bacteria *So it's safe to eat
- Why use this?
- To Save Cost and increase Profit ($.$)

2)Meat Filler
- Soybean is most commonly used.*aka Soy Filler- Provide Meat-like Texture
- It's Cheap , good way to make lots of Profit ($.$)

- 70% of the Ramly Patty you are about to put into your mouth could be Soy Filler* I would call it Soy Patty flavored with Beef/Chicken
- Do you know the cost a Burger Special Cheese is less than Rm1.00?
- Same goes to your Ayamas Sausages & Deli Ham!

I was having a meeting with a Company specialize in Processed Meat.
We were having a very honest conversation.

"People are funny, we have Chicken Ham & Turkey Ham.
Guess what's the difference?
We add Coloring to Chicken Ham and we get Turkey Ham.
There's no Turkey in the Turkey Ham at all!"

It's just Pink Slime & Meat Filler, why so serious ?

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