The Birthday Song, Before and After

Have you ever wonder why do we sing birthday songs?
What is the proper way to cut a birthday cake in order to bring more luck?
How to make a wish properly ?
Or most of all how to troll your friend with a birthday cake?

SOP: Light Candle -> Sing Song -> Wish -> Blow Candle-> Cut cake -> Eat

Some say the Greeks started by arranging the candle and lighting it up to make it glow like a moon. For the Germans, it's said to ward off evil spirits from children. Today the candle is commonly  placed on top to represent his/her age. However, some believe an extra candle would bring extra luck. So if you miscalculated your friend's age and place an extra candle on the cake, say this "This will bring you extra luck and no need to thank me for it. You are very much welcome!"

There's no need for further explanation for this song. FYI, Happy Birthday Song is the most popular song on Earth! Beating Justin Beaver & Psy anytime.

The Greeks used to believe the smoke from the candle would carry their prayers to Gods. So wish harder and your dream might come true! Or you could start making wishes when there is a massive forest burning nearby you.*Ahem I hope you know where I'm referring to ;)

It's believed that your wish will come true if you managed to blow all the candles out in one breathe. Any of your wish come true? If you ever wonder does blowing out candles is unhygienic, No but if only the Birthday boy/girl are healthy!

Here comes the last part, where you cut the lovely cake! If you feel very unlucky last year, smear your name with the knife and cut the cake. It's believed to bring you more luck!

Best Birthday ever!

Studies has shown that people that have more birthdays party live longer!

1 comment:

  1. Best and beautiful Happy Birthday Pooja Wishes which you can share with your friend whose name is Pooja."


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