Non Dairy Cream

Cream are delicious but do you know 80% of the Cream we consumed are Non Dairy Cream?

Here's 3 most Common Form of Non Dairy Cream

1)Cake Coating

2) Cake Filling

3) Ice Cream  (Non Premium Ice Cream)

Here's 3 Reason Why most F&B industry use Non Dairy Cream:

1) Cost Effective *It's about Profit & killing your health
- Cheaper Alternative to Cream
- Produce more yield than Cream

2) Long Shelf Life
- Last 2 times longer than Cream *So the Cake can stay alive longer and be sold to you
- Can be frozen unlike Cream * Stock up frozen goods -> Defrost -> Sold to you as Freshly Made!

3) Stability
- Hold it's Shape very well unlike Cream *So your cake will look sexy despite being display for a week
- Withstand Warmer Temperature *To Ease Transportation

What is Non Dairy Cream?
- It's Vegetable Oil  + Chemicals + Artificial Flavor & Color = Artificial Cream
- It's was originally created for people who are Lactose Intolerance, however it was exploited due to it's profitability

*I don't know about the harmful effects of the rest of the ingredients, but I know Hydrogenated Oil is enough to clog up your arteries !
Refer to Butter Vs Margarine for more info

How to identify Non Dairy Cream

1. Color
It's Snow White in Color *Picture on the left- Real cream is Yellow in Color *Picture on the right

2. Mouth Feel
- Lick your lips after eating it and feel how oily is it
- It should feel greasy/oily

3. The Price
- Non Premium cake or Mass Produced are most likely Non Dairy Cream
- The more Expensive the Higher chance you are Paying for the Real Deal *What you pay is what you get   
- If uncertain ,go for cakes without cream like Cheesecake or Butter Cake
Next time before you purchase any cake as a Gift for those Dear to you, Think Twice!

The sad truth is that we Malaysians were raised accustomed to Non Dairy Whipping Cream in most of our cakes. Even some chefs can't tell the difference between these products.

I strongly urge you to educate ourselves and the people around us about the existence of Non Dairy Whipping Cream. *Unless you want to lose your love ones to illness
So Step Up and stop being a Victim!


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