Egg-Ta-La-Vista Baby

Have you ever wonder did Egg or Chicken come first?

Neither come first, Egg-nator came first by time travelling and mated with a chicken.
Once the chicken gave birth to Humpty Dumpty.
Egg-nator said "Egg-Ta-La-Vista Baby, I will be back."
The Chicken waited for years, raising the Humpty Dumpty as a single mom.
Until one day, Humpty Dumpty got pushed from the back by Colonel Sander and had a Great Fall!

Colonel Sander started his world domination by turning the Chicken into KFC.
Now the fate of all Chicken lies on the shoulder of Egg-nator.
Will he be back? *To Be Continued
So before Egg-nator return to save all eggs,
Here's 3 tips to keep your Egg at Tip Top Condition *So Egg-nator will forgive you
1) Keep it Refrigerated

- Egg degrade 6 times faster at room temperature *Eggs sold in Australia are kept refrigerated
- Your Grade A egg will degrade to B or C in just a few days at room temperature

2) Keep it Original Package *Not like the Left Picture

- If Uncertain, store the Large End of the Egg Upwards

3) Buy from Market Instead of Supermarket

- Most Egg Sellers are Egg Farmers *First hand Supply
- Eggs in Supermarket goes through many hand *Not Fresh Anymore

Kampung Vs Supermarket (Left : Right)

I would choose Kampung Egg for 2 Reasons:
1) Better Quality
- Firmer Yolk, Tastier

2) It's more Humane
Kampung Chicken doesn't get stuck in a cage unlike normal Chicken *Google for more info

Follow these Tips and Your Egg will look...
EGG-TASTIC! *Egg-nator will give you a pad on the back once he's back

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