Salmon Mania

Chinese New Year is just a few weeks away and we all will always start off our dinner with Yee Sang!
Salmon would represent "Nian Nian You Yu"
Direct translation = "Year Year got Fish"

Before you Loh Sang/Toss your Yee Sang and Mess up the Whole Table , have a look good at your Salmon first.
Is it Vibrant Orange or Pale Orange?
Is it Glossy or Dull ?
If it looks like the Picture above, it's Fresh Salmon.
If it looks like the Picture below, it's Frozen Salmon.

So what's wrong with Frozen Salmon?
- Bad Texture
- Bad Flavor
- Not Safe to Consume Raw ( Lime Juice would not be sufficient to kill all the Bacteria)

Here's a Comparison of Frozen (Left) and Fresh Salmon (Right)
- Frozen Salmon should always be cooked for Safe Consumption.

Here's 3 Salmon Facts I think you should know

1) The Salmon you are consuming are Farmed
- Breed by Human with Antibiotics *Boost Growth
- Feed with Colored Feed * Artificially makes the flesh looks Bright Orange
- Wild Salmon are naturally Orange due to their Diet of Crustacean & Plankton *Did I mention Wild Salmon is very expensive?

2) Wild Salmon will travel back to their Birthplace to reproduce
- That's where you see on National Geography where Salmon will Swim Upstream
- And get Eaten by Pedo's Bear Cousins

3) Salmon Sushi/ Sashimi is Dominating Malaysia Market
- Most Sushi Lovers are Crazy for Salmon
- That's why you can see lots of Japanese Restaurant around.

True Story of How I Met your Mother.

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