The X - Turkey !

CHRISTMAS is always celebrated with Turkey !
Restaurant flourish by selling alot of Take-away Roasted Turkey with Stuffing !
However do you know Stuffing a Turkey is a bad idea?

I'm sure you have tried Turkey that are badly overcooked, really tough/dry breast.
What's the reason behind this?

The truth is Turkey should never be stuffed with Raw Stuffing (Raw Meat with Breadcrumbs/ Chestnut)

Here's why.
- By the time your turkey is cooked, your stuffing are most likely raw
because heat can't penetrate into the middle that quickly.

- So if you keep on Roasting it, your stuffing will be cooked 
but your Turkey will be overcooked/ dry.
- What I would suggest it to Cook your Stuffing Separately
and stuff into the Turkey when the Turkey is Cooked.

- Taste something in between Chicken and Duck.
- Usually 12-18 Months old before being slaughtered
- Ranging from 5-9kgs

Here's 3 Tips to do Justice to your Turkey
1) Always buy smaller size Turkey because it's younger/tender *Meat would be much more tender
2) Frozen Turkey should be fully defrosted for 3 days in your fridge before Roasting in the oven.
3) Always Marinate 2 Days ahead * For Extra Flavor

Here's 2 non practical Invention for Turkey

1) Plastic Termometer Probe *Comes free with some Turkey
- Stated "Should Pop Out when Turkey is cooked
- However it's not a reliable guideline *Unless you don't mind raw turkey
- Use to Digital Termometer Probe instead * 70C = Cooked

2) Chestnut Stuffing * Sometimes comes free.
- Stated "Stuff into your Turkey and roast it"
- It will caused your Turkey to be overcooked *As explained above
- Do not buy or Cook it separately and stuff into your Cooked Turkey

Turkey Dillema
- Turkey Breast always cook faster than the Tight/Legs
- Usually end up with tough breast

-Wrap the Breast with lots of Bacon to insulate the heat.
- Wrap the Breast with Aluminium Foil

21.12.12 is over !
Congratulations for surviving Apocalypse!
And Merry Christmas!

What is Cake Tella?

Cake Tella is now Officially 1/2 Year Old !
Thank you for all of your support throughout these 6 months !

Let me share with you my vision for Cake Tella.

Cake Tella represents an Idea to
"Challenge the norm by going the extra mile doing things others don't."

For example,
The Guarantee of 100% refund & 50% off on your next order. *If it doesn't meet our expectations
The Heavy usage of quality liqueur in Cakes. (Baileys, Baileys)
The Emphasis on quality ingredient. 
The Unusual Stuff. (Pop Rocks Hidden in Chocolate, Meat Cake)

The Pairing of few Common Flavor into something Different. (Green Tea+ Raspberry+ Vanilla Cheese)
The Customization to suits customer needs. (Less Sweet, Using Sucralose* Sugar Substitute for Diabetic, Love Shaped Cake)

I will be honest with you all, I'm not doing this to make a huge profit to be a Millionaire.
I'm here to live my Passion, my Dream, my Goal to bring Malaysia Cake to the next level.
I'm here trying to create Memorable Moments for you and your loves one to Celebrate & Cherish together.

There are many more Daring, Funky things I would like to implement to Cake Tella right now.
However I can't do it yet because this is not my Full Time Job yet but I promise you I'll be working Full Time on Cake Tella by June 2013.
So Stay Tune and you will see how Cake Tella will grow step by step.

Thank you for all your support, and I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!

Eddie Tan
The Cake Fella

Bacon Strips Bacon Strips!

I love you bacon , do you?

Here's a video of Epic Meal Time doing a Bacon Tree !
Christmas is coming soon !

Building a Bacon tree is now one of my to do before I die !

So what's up with the fuss about Bacon Bacon Bacon & Bacon?
Does Bacon Makes everything better?

Bacon Helmet (Def +9999, MDef +9999) *for Gamers
I know it makes a pretty Barbaric Helmet for Halloween.
All the Chicks and Dudes will lick all the grease up.

What is Bacon Anyway?
Which Part of Pork is it?
Why some Bacons are more expensive than others?
Back Bacon, Streaky Bacon , Gay Bacon ?

Bacon is usually made from Pork Belly or Side/Back Cuts.
- Cured with Brine for Saltiness & Shelf Life
- Smoked with Liquid Smoke or Wood Chips to give flavor

Pork Bellies being smoked !

Here's 3 Common Cuts of Bacon in Malaysia
1. Streaky Bacon

- From Pork Belly
- Higher in Fat * It will clog up your artery
- Very Crispy when fried * Use this to make Bacon Helmet!

2. Back Bacon

- From Back/Side Cuts of Pork
- Leaner * More Meat, less Fat
- Not as Flavor as it has less Fat * Healthier though

3. Gay Bacon 

Kids loves Gay Bacon, How about you?
- It's a type of Candy
- Sourish Sweet
- Cause Kids to go Frenzy/ Sugar Rush/ Hyper Active !

Shitty Facts about Bacon in Malaysia

Bacon are usually sold by per 100g
Lets Say
2 Strips of Bacon is 100g *Some Genius figured out if he pump in more liquid into Bacon
2 Strips of Bacon will be 130g
130g - 100g = 30g of Excess Water which will leak out when cooked
Which means More Profit for them !

Ways to identify if it's pumped up with water
1. If you squeeze it and water leaks out
2. Takes very long to get it crispy
3. Buy a Packet of Premium Bacon and Compare it with a Non Premium one

So when you are at the Counter thinking to buy which cut of Bacon.
I urge you to think twice of the price.
No matter how, just keep eating Bacon !

About me