Baking Soda & Baking Powder

Some people asked me why their Cake/Biscuit/Scones have a Soapy after-taste?
It's because of Baking Soda.
So for you to not taste Soap again, Please continue reading!

People use Baking Soda & Baking Powder to Lift-up/Lighten Cake
- Both are Chemical leaveners. *Yeast is Life Leavener.
- It's to leaven your cake *Otherwise it would be very dense.

Baking Soda

- It's Alkaline
- React with Acids like Buttermilk, Acidic Juice, Cocoa Powder, Brown Sugar, Cream of Tartar
When using Baking Soda make sure:
1) There's an Acid component
2) The Acid component must be sufficient to fully activate all the Baking Soda *2g Baking Soda should need about 240ml Buttermilk, 5ml Lemon Juice/Vinegar, 5g Cream of Tartar
Otherwise it'll result in Soapy Aftertaste.

Here's what'll happen you mix Baking Soda with Acid. *Skip to 1.05

Baking Powder

- Baking Soda + Acids = Baking Powder
- Requires Water to start the Reaction
- Double Acting/Action means it will Activate twice *For a better result
1) When you Mix into the Cake Batter *React with Water
2) When you Bake it  *React with Temperature

Baking Powder expires quickly in our Humid Climate
- It will lose it's Leavening Power
- Make sure to keep it air tight*Can last about 6 months once opened
- If you have a Baking Powder sitting in your shelf for a while, Mix it with some Hot Water to check it's still working or not. *It should bubble up, otherwise buy a new bottle

Keep on Baking and Improving your skills, so one day your partner might be like Homer Simpson.
P.S: Here's some other pretty amazing uses of Baking Soda

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