The X - Turkey !

CHRISTMAS is always celebrated with Turkey !
Restaurant flourish by selling alot of Take-away Roasted Turkey with Stuffing !
However do you know Stuffing a Turkey is a bad idea?

I'm sure you have tried Turkey that are badly overcooked, really tough/dry breast.
What's the reason behind this?

The truth is Turkey should never be stuffed with Raw Stuffing (Raw Meat with Breadcrumbs/ Chestnut)

Here's why.
- By the time your turkey is cooked, your stuffing are most likely raw
because heat can't penetrate into the middle that quickly.

- So if you keep on Roasting it, your stuffing will be cooked 
but your Turkey will be overcooked/ dry.
- What I would suggest it to Cook your Stuffing Separately
and stuff into the Turkey when the Turkey is Cooked.

- Taste something in between Chicken and Duck.
- Usually 12-18 Months old before being slaughtered
- Ranging from 5-9kgs

Here's 3 Tips to do Justice to your Turkey
1) Always buy smaller size Turkey because it's younger/tender *Meat would be much more tender
2) Frozen Turkey should be fully defrosted for 3 days in your fridge before Roasting in the oven.
3) Always Marinate 2 Days ahead * For Extra Flavor

Here's 2 non practical Invention for Turkey

1) Plastic Termometer Probe *Comes free with some Turkey
- Stated "Should Pop Out when Turkey is cooked
- However it's not a reliable guideline *Unless you don't mind raw turkey
- Use to Digital Termometer Probe instead * 70C = Cooked

2) Chestnut Stuffing * Sometimes comes free.
- Stated "Stuff into your Turkey and roast it"
- It will caused your Turkey to be overcooked *As explained above
- Do not buy or Cook it separately and stuff into your Cooked Turkey

Turkey Dillema
- Turkey Breast always cook faster than the Tight/Legs
- Usually end up with tough breast

-Wrap the Breast with lots of Bacon to insulate the heat.
- Wrap the Breast with Aluminium Foil

21.12.12 is over !
Congratulations for surviving Apocalypse!
And Merry Christmas!

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